25 most used Irregular Verbs in the Perfect Tense – (Part 2)

If you haven’t read the lesson in which I give you tips on learning the most used Luxembourgish irregular verbs I recommend that you do so prior reading this lesson.

So in this lesson you will learn the past participle of 25 most used irregular verbs. These are all verbs that need the helping verb hunn to build the past participle.

Read as well the lesson where you’ll learn the verbs expressing a movement, which need the verb sinn to build the past participle.

Remember that the past participle always comes at the very end of the sentence.

25 commonly used Luxembourgish Irregular Verbs

drénken (to drink)⇒ gedronk

Ech hunn de Moien 3 Tase Kaffi gedronk. – I drank 3 cups of coffee  this morning.

falen (to fall) ⇒ gefall

Mäi Jong ass gëschter uerg gefall. – My son fell seriously yesterday.

fannen (to find, to think of) ⇒ fonnt

Mir hu keng Parkplaz fonnt. – We haven’t found any parking space.

fléien (to fly) ⇒ geflunn

Meng Eltere si gëschter an d’Vakanz geflunn. – My parents flew on holidays yesterday.

froen (to ask) ⇒ gefrot

Wéini hues du hien da gefrot? – When did you ask him?

fueren (to drive) ⇒ gefuer

Mir sinn op d’Belsch Küst gefuer. – We went (drove) to the belgian coast.

geschéien (to happen) ⇒ geschitt

Wat ass dir da geschitt? – What happened to you?

gesinn (to see) ⇒ gesinn

Ech hunn hatt scho laang net méi gesinn. – I haven’t seen her for a long time.

gewannen (to win) ⇒ gewonnen

Mamma, mir hunn haut de Match gewonnen.  – Mum, we won the match today.

ginn (to give) ⇒ ginn

Mäi Frënd huet mir e gudde Rot ginn. – My friend gave me a good advice.

halen (to hold, to keep) ⇒ gehalen

Hien huet säi Verspriechen net gehalen. – He hasn’t kept his promise.

huelen (to take) ⇒ geholl

Wat hues du als Dessert geholl? – What have you taken for dessert?

hëllefen (to help) ⇒  gehollef

Meng Elteren hu mir vill gehollef. – My parents helped me a lot.

iessen (to eat) ⇒ giess

Wat hutt dir am Restaurant giess? – What did yo eat at the restaurant?

kafen (to buy) ⇒ kaf / kaaft

Wat hues du an der Vakanz kaaft? – What did you buy on vacation?

kennen (to know) ⇒ kannt

Ech hunn hien net kannt.   – I didn’t know him.

kréien (to get, to receive) ⇒ kritt

Ech hu gëschter meng 40 Joer kritt. –  I got 40 years old yesterday.

lafen (to run) ⇒ gelaf

Wei laang bass du de Moie gelaf? – How long did you run this morning?

maachen (to do, to make) ⇒ gemaach

Ech hunn de leschte Weekend kee Sport gemaach. – I haven’t done any sports last weekend.

schlofen ⇒ geschlof

Ech hunn hënt net gutt geschlof. – I haven’t slept well last night.

soen (to say) ⇒ gesot

Wat hues du gesot? – What did you say?

uruffen (to call on the phone) ⇒ ugeruff

Däi Papp huet éinescht ugeruff. – Your dad called earlier.

vergiessen (to forget) ⇒vergiess

Zut, ech hu mäi Prabbeli vergiess. – Damn, I forgot my umbrella.

verléieren (to lose) ⇒ verluer

Ech hunn een Ouerrank verluer. – I lost one earring.

verstoen (to understand) ⇒ verstan(en)

Ech hunn dat net verstanen. – I haven’t understood that.

Learning tip

When you learn a new verb, learn it immediately with its past participle. This will help you to remember it easier in conversations and so you will sound more fluid.

Übung (exercise)

Watch the video so to practice with many many examples –  along with me!

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If you want to learn Luxembourgish from scratch but you don’t have time to attend classes then this my online course is for you!

 Easy Luxembourgish Level 1  

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