Remember the 20 Most Used Verbs with “Sinn” (Luxembourgish Perfect)

This lesson is all about remembering the verbs which require the helping verb “sinn” to build the perfect tense in Luxembourgish.

Verben mat  SINN

The verbs expressing a change of state:

erwächen –  to wake up

Beispill – example

Ech sinn haut de Moien um 6 Auer erwächt. – I woke up at 6am this morning.

opstoen – to get up

Beispill – example

An der Vakanz sinn d’Kanner um 10 Auer opgestanen. – The children got up at 10 o’clock on vacation.

aschlofen – to fall asleep

Beispill – example

Ech si gëschter spéit ageschlof. – I fell asleep late yesterday.

wuessen – to grow

Beispill – example

Meng Duechter ass dëst Joer vill gewuess. – My daughter has grown a lot this year.

stierwen – to die

Beispill – example

Eisen Hond ass d’lescht Joer gestuerwen. – Our dog died last year.

Verbs expressing a movement from A to B

klammen – to climb / to increase

Beispill – example

D’Bouwe sinn iwwer d’Mauer geklommen. – The boys climbed over the wall.

fléien – to fly

Beispill – example

Meng Eltere sinn de Moien a Japan geflunn. – My parents flew to Japan this morning.

reesen – to travel

Beispill – example

Wéi ech jonk war, sinn ech vill gereest. – When I was young, I travelled a lot.

fueren – to drive / to go 

Beispill – example

Mir si mam Zuch op Paräis gefuer. – We went to Paris by train.

goen – to go

Beispill – example

Ech si mat enger Frëndin an d’Schwämm  gaang. – I went with a friend to the swimming pool.

reiden – to ride a horse

Beispill – example

Meng Duechter ass gëschter 3 Stonne geridden. – My daughter has ridden for 3 hours yesterday.

schwammen – to swim

Beispill – example

Ech sinn nach ni am Séi geschwommen. – I have never swum in the lake.

kommen – to come

Beispill – example

Ech sinn ze spéit an d’Reunioun komm. – I came too late to the meeting.

falen – to fall

Beispill – example

Hënt ass vill Schnéi gefall. – Much snow has fallen last night.

lafen – to run

Beispill – example

Ech sinn de Moien zéng Kilometer gelaf. – I ran 10 kilometers this morning.

sprangen – to jump

Beispill – example

D’Kanner si vu Freed an d’Luucht gesprongen. – The children jumped for joy.

plënneren – to move

Beispill – example

Eis Nopere sinn endlech geplënnert. – Our neighbours finally moved.


bleiwen – to stay

Beispill – example

Mir sinn de ganze Weekend doheem bliwwen. – We stayed the whole weekend at home.

ginn – to become

Beispill – example

Mäi Jong ass gëschter 15 Joer al ginn. – My son became 15 years yesterday.

geschéien – to happen

Beispill – example

Wat ass dir da geschitt? – What happened to you?

These are 20 verbs only (not complete). From these even more verbs can be derived with the help of prefixes, e.g. as „goen“.

Its derivates with the prefixes eran-, eraus-, erop-, erof-, mat-, duerch-, ëm-, vir-, zer-, ent- iwwer-,  use sinn as well.

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