Learn all about the Weekdays in Luxembourgish

Do you know how to use the weekdays when talking in Luxembourgish? Learn in this lesson how to use and understand common phrases with the weekdays native speakers use in everyday conversations in Luxembourgish.

When memorizing chunks of phrases, such as méindes moies, gëschter Moien,  you will feel more confident and you will be able to talk with less hesitations in conversations.

Let’s get started:

  • en Dag – a day 👉 Dag is a masculine noun (den Dag) and the plural is Deeg
  • eng Woch – a week  👉 Woch is a feminine noun (d’Woch) and the plural is Wochen.
  • e Weekend – a weekend  👉 Weekend is a masculine noun (de Weekend) and the plural is Weekenter.

The Weekdays

Learn the days of the week Wochendeeg. Most of the days in Luxembourgish end in degThe seven days of the week are masculine. 

Méindeg, Dënschdeg, Mëttwoch, Donnneschdeg, Freideg, Samschdeg, Sonndeg

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

There is one other thing I think is worth mentioning: you can in some regions of Luxembourg hear some people saying Méinden instead of Méindeg. This applies to all the days of the week. So the end of the weekdays is pronounced –en.

To say on Monday or on Friday you use the indefinite masculine article en.

e Méindeg, en Dënschdeg, e Mëttwoch, asw
on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, etc

Now Luxembourgish has words to describe if we do something habitually or regularly, such as on Mondays or in the mornings etc. Then we say méindes or moies

méindes, dënschdes, mëttwochs, asw
on Mondays, on Tuesdays, on Wednesdays, etc

all Méindeg, all Dënschdeg, all Mëttwoch, asw
every Monday, every Tuesday, every Wednesday, etc

leschte Méindeg last Monday
nächste Sonndeg the coming Sunday

Common and Useful Phrases with the Weekdays:

  • Haut ass Freideg. Today is Friday.
  • Muer ass Samschdeg. Tomorrow is Saturday.
  • Gëschter war Donneschdeg. Yesterday was Thursday.
  • Haut de Moien hunn ech …. . This morning I have ….
  • Gëschter Owend war ech immens midd. Yesterday evening I was very tired.
  • E Sonndeg den Owend. On Sunday evening.
  • Méindes moies stinn ech um 6 Auer op. I get up at 6 o’clock on Monday mornings.
  • De Weekend ginn ech oft an de Kino. On the weekend I often go to the cinema.

Do always say:

(Haut) de Moien / den Owend for this morning / this evening; and
gëschter Moien / Owend for yesterday morning / evening.

Using the Weekdays in the Past Tense

When talking about something which happened a few days (but not yesterday), weeks or years ago  use méindes, sonndes, moies, mëttes, asw

Beispiller (Examples)

  • An der Vakanz sinn ech moies eréischt um 10 Auer opgestan. During the holidays I didn’t get up before 10am.
  • Wéi ech jonk war, si mir sonndes dacks bei meng Bom gaang. When I was young, we often went on Sunday at my grandmother’s house.
  • Virdrun hunn ech owes vill Tëlee gekuckt. In the past I watched a lot tv in the evenings.

Let’s practice:

Translate the following sentences into Luxembourgish:

  1. What do you (plural) do this evening?
  2. Do you (informal) already have some plans for the next weekend?
  3. Last year I sometimes was on leave on Friday afternoon.

Check the solution by downloading the PDF and practice  with MORE sentences to translate !

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