55 Common Luxembourgish Phrases – Beginners

The goal of this lesson is to teach you Luxembourgish phrases (not just individual Luxembourgish words) that you can use in many different situations. The phrases selected for this lesson are for beginners and typical expressions used by native speakers.

You can get fluent faster if you focus on learning Luxembourgish phrases  – the same phrases that native speakers use every day.

Some phrases are indicated as especially formal (form), informal (inf) or colloquial (coll)

You can practice listening comprehension and oral expression by listening to the phrases.

5 Ways to ask how someone is 


  1. Wéi geet et? – How is it going?
  2. Wéi geet et dir? – How are you? (inf)
  3. Wéi geet et Iech? – How are you? (form)
  4. Wat gëtt et Neits? – What’s new?
  5. Wat hues du an der lescht gemaach? – What have you been up to lately? (coll)

6 Ways to say how you are 


  1. Ganz gutt!  – Very good!
  2. Tipptopp! – Great
  3. Mir geet et gutt. – I’m fine.
  4. Ech kann net kloen. – I can’t complain. 
  5. Alt esou. – Not so great. 
  6. Kéint besser goen. – Could be better. (coll)

5 Ways to say “Thank you”


  1. Merci!  – Thank you!
  2. Villmools Merci!   – Thank you a lot / so much!
  3. Merci fir deng Hëllef. – Thank you for your (inf) help.
  4. Dat ass ganz léif / gentil (vun Iech). – That’s so kind of you (form).
  5. Ech sinn dir dankbar. – I’m really grateful. (inf)

5 Ways to respond  to “Thank you”


  1. Gär geschitt! – My pleasure!
  2. ’t ass näischt. – Don’t mention it.
  3. Keng Ursaach.  You’re welcome.
  4. Kee Problem. – No problem.
  5. Dat ass dat mannst wat ech maache kann. – That’s the least I can do.

5 Phrases for Apologizing 


  1. Et deet mer leed. – I’m sorry!
  2. Entschëllegt! – Excuse me (form)!
  3. Ech entschëllege mech fir … – I apologize for ….
  4. Ups, dat ass mäi Feeler.   Oops, that’s my fault.
  5. Ech hunn dat net esou gemengt. – I didn’t mean it that way.

5 Ways to respond  to an Apology 


  1. Kee Problem! – No problem!
  2. Dat kënnt vir. – It happens.
  3. ’t ass scho gutt.   That’s ok.(coll)
  4. Lee däi Kapp a Rou. – Don’t worry about it (inf).
  5. Ech verzeien dir. – I forgive you (inf). (For serious problems)

7 Phrases for Introduction 


  1. Ech géing mech gär kuerz virstellen. Mäin Numm ass … –  I wanted to introduce myself briefly. My name is …
  1. Ech mengen net, datt mir eis kennen. Ech sinn {den/d’ + name}. –  I don’t think we’ve met before. I’m {name}.
  1. Dat ass …. . – This is ….
  2. Kenns du / Kennt Dir  ….? – Have you (inf / form) met …?
  3. Ech stellen dir gär {name} vir. – I’d like to introduce you to {name}
  4. Et freet mech. – Pleased to meet you.
  5. Mech och. – Likewise.

#1 and #2 are used to introduce yourself. #3 – #5 are used to introduce someone else. #7 can be used as a response to #6.

5  Phrases for asking / talking about jobs


  1. Wat schaffs du? – What do you do? (inf)
  2. Ech schaffen als ….. / Ech sinn …. – I work as an … / I am an …
  3. Ech schaffen de Moment net. – I don’t work at the moment.
  4. Ech sinn Hausfra. – I’m a stay-at-home mom.
  5. Ech hu mäin eegene Betrib. – I run my own business.
  6. Ech si pensionéiert. – I am retired.

5 Phrases  to end politely a conversation


  1. Et huet mech gefreet mat dir ze schwätzen. – It was nice talking to you (inf).
  2. Ech géing nach sou gär mat dir schwätzen, awer ech muss …… – I’d love to keep chatting with you (inf) but I have to …
  3. Ech muss dech elo leider loossen. Ech hunn nach vill ze dinn. –  Well, I have to leave you now unfortunately. I have still a lot to do.
  4. Et deet mer leed, mee ech muss elo goen. – I’m really sorry, but I have to go now.
  5. An der Rei, ech halen Iech um Lafenden. Nach e schéinen Dag. – Okay, I’ll keep you (form) updated. Have a good day.

5 Phrases  for asking for Information


  1. Kënnt Dir mir soen …? – Can you tell me … ? (form)
  2. Kanns du mir soen … ? – Can you tell me … ? (inf)
  3. Ech wollt froen, ob … – I wanted to ask, if …
  4. Wësst Dir ….? – Do you know ….? (form)
  5. Weess du zoufälleg  …? – Do you happen to know …? (inf)

5 Phrases  to say “I don’t know”


  1. Ech weess et net. – I don’t know.
  2. Dat weess ech leider net. – I don’t know that unfortunately.
  3. Ech hu keng Ahnung. – I have no clue. (coll)
  4. Ech sinn net sécher.   I’m not sure.
  5. Do kann ech Iech leider net hëllefen. – I can’t help you there. (form)

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