Learn how to use the verb brauchen in Luxembourgish

Luxembourgish VERB BRAUCHEN

This lesson is inspired by a student’s question who asked me how and when to use this important verb which is brauchen. A word you’ll need every day. Let’s start with the conjugation of brauchen. Conjugation Present Tense: ech brauch – du brauchs – hien / hatt brauch – mir brauchen – dir braucht – si brauchen Conditional: … Read more

How to use DACH and other tricky words in Luxembourgish

Dach and other tricky words

Luxembourgish, like any other language, has particular words and expressions that can be used in more than one way. These include the short but tricky words known as “particles” or “fillers.” I call them “small words that can cause big problems.” Luxembourgish words such as awer, och, dach, alt, mol, schonn and even jo look … Read more

Learn to talk correctly about the time in Luxembourgish

Luxembourgish Time Auer

In this lesson I will tackle a few problems students often get wrong when they try to talk about the time in Luxembourgish. Please note that this lesson is not a lesson on how to tell the time. So, let’s start!   How would you translate the word TIME in Luxembourgish? Well, there are several translations … Read more

Learn how to continue a conversation in Luxembourgish

Luxembourgish conversation A2

In the previous lessons you learned how to start a conversation in Luxembourgish. In this lesson, you will learn how to keep a conversation going, without running out of things to say! Here’s an example of how NOT to have an Luxembourgish conversation: War däi Weekend flott? – Did you have a nice weekend? Jo. … Read more

What are reflexive verbs in Luxembourgish and how to use them

Luxembourgish reflexive verbs

1 What is a reflexive verb? A Luxembourgish reflexive verb describes an action of someone (subject) where the action reflects back to the subject. In other words, whoever is speaking is doing an action to himself. Beispill (example) Ech wäsche(n) mech. I wash myself. Du stells dech vir (sech virstellen). You present yourself. Luxembourgish reflexive … Read more

How to start a conversation in Luxembourgish – part 2

Luxembourgish conversation

In this lesson you will learn 5 new conversation topics with examples of questions you can ask to get a conversation started for each topic.     The biggest secret to becoming more fluently and improving your Luxembourgish is so simple: you might be surprised: ASK MORE QUESTIONS Most of the topics below include an … Read more