How to end a conversation in Luxembourgish

In the previous lessons you learned how to start a conversation and how to keep a conversation going in Luxembourgish.

Now it’s time to learn how to bring conversations to an end – in both formal and informal situations.


2 KEYS for ending a conversation 

  1. SMILE! Be friendly when ending the conversation, so the other person knows you enjoyed the conversation and doesn’t think you’re ending the conversation because you’re annoyed.
  2. Make a positive comment, then say you need to go, or give a reason for ending the conversation.

Ending an informal conversation:

Conversation 1:

♣ Hei, et huet mech gefreet mat dir ze schwätzen, mee ech muss elo goen.
♦ Kee Problem. E schéinen Dag nach!
♣ Merci gläichfalls – äddi!

Hey, it was nice talking to you, but I need to go now.
OK, no problem. Have a good one!
You too – bye!

Conversation 2:

♠ Lauschter, ech géif sou gär nach mat dir poteren, awer ech muss elo virumaachen – mäi Yogascours
fänkt an enger hallwer Stonn un.
♦ Oh, majo da(nn) vill Spaass!
♠ Merci! Bis geschwënn

Listen, I’d love to keep chatting, but I have to hurry up now – my yoga class starts in half an hour.
Oh, enjoy your class!
Thanks! See you soon.

poteren means to chat or to talk

Conversation 3:

♠Merci fir d’Buch – ech wäert et mat de Kanner liesen. Oh, an iwwerhaapt – ech muss elo meng Kanner an d’Schoul siche goen.
♣An der Rei. Versuerg dech!

Thanks for the book, I’ll read it with the children. Oh, anyway, I need to go and pick up my kids from school.
All right. Take care!

Notice how all three conversations use a “transitional” word or verb like hei, majoiwwerhaapt or lauschter to introduce the end of the conversation.

Ending a more formal conversation (at work):

Conversation 1:

♣ An der Rei. Also, ech ruffen dem Fournisseur muer un an ech halen Iech dann um Lafenden.
♠ Dat héiert sech gutt un!
♣ Tipptopp! Iech nach e schéinen Dag.
♠ Merci glächfalls. Äddi.

Okay, so I’ll call the supplier tomorrow and I’ll let you know.
Sounds like a plan!
Great! Have a good day.
Thanks, you too. Bye.

You can end a conversation at work by giving a summary of the conversation or the next actions to take. This gives the other person a signal that you would like to end the conversation.

Conversation 2:

♠ … an der Rei. Sou, ech ginn elo –  ech hunn nach vill Aarbecht.
♣ Jo, ech och. Bis herno.

…. all right. I go now – I have still a lot of work.
Yeah, me too. See you later.

Ech hunn nach vill Aarbecht is a good way to end a conversation with a co-worker that is not related to work – for example, if you are chatting with your colleague about weekend plans or other interests.

Conversation 3:

♣ Majo, ech weess du hues vill ze dinn. Ech halen dech net weider op.
♠ Dat ass an der Rei. Et ass ëmmer flott mat dir ze schwätzen.

Well, I know you’re busy, so I don’t want to keep you.
That’s OK. It is always nice talking to you.

Ech halen dech net weider op is a way to say that you respect the other person’s time, so you won’t continue the conversation for hours and hours. This also signals that the conversation is coming to an end. It is often used during phone calls.

Different ways to say “Äddi” in Luxembourgish

Formal or informal:

  • Äddi
  • Bis geschwënn!
  • Bis herno!
  • Versuergt Iech! / Versuerg dech!
  • E schéinen Dag!

Informal only:

  • Mir gesinn eis jo!
  • E Schéinen!
  • Bis dann!

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If you liked this lesson you may consider taking my online course Short Dialogues / Level B1&B2

In this online course I focus on conversation skills. I want to help you communicate with native Luxembourgish speakers.

This course has more advanced conversations and it is a fun, and effective way to learn new words and common expressions – and improve your ability to speak in Luxembourgish.

Each lesson is based on conversations on a specific topic. Reading and listening to the dialogues will help you improve your understanding of spoken Luxembourgish. And you will become more fluent as a result.

Are you finally ready to understand Luxembourgish conversations better, learn common expressions native speakers use and speak more fluently?

Then Short Dialogues / Level B1&B2 will help you making more interesting conversations.



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