How to use the Luxembourgish verb DÄERFEN

Luxembourgish verb däerfen

Däerfen to be allowed to is one of the five modal verbs that are so essential in Luxembourgish. A modal verb, is almost always used with another verb in a sentence. Däerfen can take on a few different meanings, depending on its context: Däerfen is different from its English equivalent may, allowed/permitted to. This makes it a little … Read more

Learn 15 Dative Verbs in Luxembourgish

Luxembourgish dative verbs

In this lesson you’ll find those Luxembourgish verbs that take a direct object in the dative case. Many dative verbs can be translated with a to-phrase: äntweren to give an answer to; gefalen to be pleasing to …. To make a correct sentence with a dative verb you need to learn first the personal pronouns and articles in the … Read more

When do you say du, dir or Dir in Luxembourgish?

Luxembourgish grammar du dir Dir

This Luxembourgish grammar lesson will focus on Luxembourgish personal pronouns and will provide easy-to-follow examples. Pronouns are an essential element of Luxembourgish grammar which cannot be ignored or rushed. Before we have a look at the several different forms of you in Luxembourgish let’s first of all answer the following question: What is a pronoun? Simply put, a pronoun … Read more