By now you already know to say in Luxembourgish words such as
Wannechgelift! (wgl) – please!
Merci – Thank you
but learn in this lesson more ways to make your Luxembourgish sound more polite!
55 Common Phrases for Beginners #1
55 Common Phrases for Beginners #2
55 Common Phrases for Intermediate Level #3
Learning tip: Repeat this sentences aloud many times so to get used to the sound and to dare using them in conversations. We all know that the key to learning a new language is practice, practice and practice.
Know when to use du or Dir
There’s a formal and informal version of the word “you” in Luxembourgish.(LINK TO WL BLOG)
Du is used to address friends, family and younger people.
Dir is used in more formal situations or when talking to people you don´t know well. It’s always capitalized and conjugated as a plural word.
Make a Great First Impression: Meet and Greet
Make sure you remember the more formal greetings. And never forget the handshake!
- Gudde Moien! – Good morning! / Good day!
- Gudden Owend! – Good evening!
- Gudde Moien Här / Madamm Weber. – Good morning Mr / Mrs Weber.
- Wéi geet et Iech? – How are you? (formal)
- Gutt, an Iech! – Fine, and you?
Form polite phrases correctly
A key point for forming polite phrases is the use of following chunks:
- Ech hätt gär …. – I would like + noun
- Ech géif gär … – I would like + verb
- Kënnt Dir …? – Can you (formal) …?
- Kanns du …? Can you …?
Avoid to say: Ech wëll e Kaffi. – I want a coffee.
Say: Ech hätt gär e Kaffi. – I’d like a coffee.
Ech wëll sounds like a demand. Ech hätt gär is a more polite and diplomatic phrase. Learn more about the use of ech hätt gär in this lesson.
- Ech géif gär eng Pizza bestellen. – I’d like to order a pizza.
- Kënnt Dir e bësse méi lues schwätzen? – Can you talk a bit slower, please?
- Kann ech nach e Kaffi kréien, wgl? – Can I have another coffee, please?
Polite Ways to Ask Something or to Get Clarification
Entschëllegt is a useful word to add to your vocabulary list.
Depending on the context, it can mean “Excuse me” or “I’m sorry”.
And to ask someone for information you can always start by saying:
- Entschëllegt, kënnt Dir mir soen .. – Excuse me, can you tell me …
- Entschëllegt, kënnt Dir mir soen, wou hei eng Post ass? – Excuse me, can you tell me where there is a post office here?
- Entschëllegt, ech hunn dat net verstanen. – Sorry, I didn’t get that.
- Entschëllegt, ech hunn dat net verstanen. Kënnt Dir dat widderhuelen, wgl? – Sorry, I didn’t get that. Could you repeat that please?
In less formal situations, you can simply use the phrase
- Watgelift? – Sorry?
Polite Phrases for Conversations at Work
You never know when you might need to request your a work collegue something. Be ready with these phrases!
- Hues du ee Moment Zäit, wgl? – Do you have a moment, please?
- Entschëlleg, däerf ech kuerz stéieren? – Excuse me, may I bother you briefly?
- Ech mengen net, datt dat eng gutt Iddi ass. – I don’t think that this is a good idea.
- Kënnt Dir / Kanns du mir de Rapport schécken? – Can you send me the report?
- So mir Bescheed, wann s du Zäit hues. – Let me know when you are available.
- Kanns du mir hëllefen, wgl? – Can you please help me?
- Deet mer leed …ech hunn elo grad vill ze dinn. – Sorry… I’m a bit busy right now.
- Kanns du a 5 Minuten zeréckkommen? – Can you come back in 5 minutes?
If a colleague approaches you at a bad time and you want the person to leave, use the phrases in blue. “Kanns du a 5 Minuten zeréckkommen?” is for when you just need a few moments to finish up what you’re working on, and then you’ll talk with the colleague. You can follow up with Geet dat?”
You can use the other phrase, “Deet mer leed …Ech hunn elo grad vill ze dinn” when you’re in the middle of work that can’t be interrupted.
Übung – Exercise
Try to translate the following 3 sentences into Luxembourgish:
- Can you (formal) tell me what time it is?
- Good morning Mister Meyer. How are you?
- Let me know when you (informal) are available for a brief discussion.
Download the PDF so to practice what you have learnt in this lesson with more sentences to translate and get the solution!
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