Learn 15 Dative Verbs in Luxembourgish

In this lesson you’ll find those Luxembourgish verbs that take a direct object in the dative case.

Many dative verbs can be translated with a to-phraseäntweren to give an answer togefalen to be pleasing to ….

To make a correct sentence with a dative verb you need to learn first the personal pronouns and articles in the dative case!

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It is best to simply learn these 15 common dative verbs. And why not with the sentences I have added. I have chosen sentences which are often used in every day conversations.

15 Dative Verbs

äntweren – to answer / reply

  • Kanns du mir äntweren? – Can you answer me?
  • Du muss him haut äntweren. – You have to answer him/her today. 

bleiwen – to stay

  • Dat bleift ënner eis. – Keep it between us.
  • Ech bleiwe bei dir. – I stay with you.

feelen – to be missing

  • Mäin Hond feelt mir. – I am missing my dog.
  • Wat feelt Iech dann? – Are you feeling bad (are you sick?

gefalen – to like, to be pleasing to

  • Lëtzebuerg gefält hinnen immens gutt. – They like Luxembourg very much.
  • Ech loossen mir dat net gefalen. – I won’t put up with that.

gehéieren – to belong (to)

  • Gehéiert Iech dat? – Does this belong to you (formal)?
  • Dat Haus gehéiert enger räicher Fra. – That house belongs to a rich woman.

geschéien – to happen (to)

  • Wat ass dir da geschitt? –  What happened to you?
  • Dat geschitt him relativ oft. – That happens to him / her quite often.

ginn – to give (to)

  • Kanns du mir d’Salz ginn, wgl? – Can you pass / give me the salt, please?
  • Wat gëss du hinnen dofir?  What do you give them for that?

gleewen – to believe 

  • Ech gleewen dir dat net. – I don’t believe you.
  • Gleefs du him dat?  Do you believe him?

hëllefen – to help

  • Waart ee Moment, ech hëllefen dir. – Wait a moment, I’ll help you.
  • Kann ech Iech hëllefen?  Can I help you?

schmaachen – to be of the taste of / to like

  • Schmaacht et iech? – Do you like it (the taste)?
  • Den Dessert schmaacht mir immens gutt. I really like / enjoy the dessert. 

soen – to tell / inform

  • Ech hunn him dat scho gesot. – I have told him / her that already.
  • Ech muss der Madamm Weber eppes soen. I have to tell Mrs Weber something.

vertrauen – to trust / have confidence in

  • Du kanns mir vertrauen. – You can trust me.
  • Mir vertrauen eisem Babysitter – We trust our babysitter

verzeien – to pardon / forgive

  • Ech wäert dem Paul dat ni verzeien. – I will never forgive Paul for that.
  • ’t ass scho gutt. Ech verzeien dir. – It’s ok. I forgive you.

weisen – to show / indicate

  • Soll ech iech d’Fotoe weisen? – Shall I show you the pictures?
  • Kënnt Dir eis de Plang weisen? – Can you show eis the plan?

wéidoen – to hurt 

  • Hues du dir wéigedoen? – Did you hurt yourself?
  • Wou deet et Iech wéi? – Where does it hurt you?

Let’s practice:

Complete the sentences with the correct personal pronoun or article!

    1. Ech hunn _______ (them) gesot, si sollen um 6 Auer kommen. (soen)
    2. Hues du ________ Marie geäntwert? (äntweren)
    3. Wéi gefält ________ (you formal) Är nei Wunneng? (gefalen)

Check the solution by downloading the PDF and practice  with MORE sentences to translate !

Get the PDF!

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