Learn 10 Adjectives to make better sentences

In this lesson you are going to learn 10 adjectives that will help you to better describe the world around you in Luxembourgish.

 The adjectives that we’re looking at are extreme adjectives which means that we can use these adjectives instead of always saying very nice, very bad, very ugly etc. So you will learn to replace for example ganz schlecht by just one extreme adjective. This will help you to avoid always using the same words and make better or more interesting sentences.

Remember the adjective ending rule. You don’t know this rule? Or you don’t remember it? Then read on my blog the lesson about this rule before you continue with this lesson.

And make sure you stick around because at the end of this lesson you’ll not only have learnt ten fancy new adjectives to use, and I will test your knowledge with 2 exercises. So you’ll have the opportunity for practising what you have learnt.

Let’s get started. So instead of saying something is ganz schlecht, for example:

D’Wieder war dëse Summer ganz schlecht. -The weather has been very bad this summer

We can use the adjective…

1 eekeleg

  • D’Wieder war dëse Summer eekeleg. – The weather this summer has been appalling.

You also definitely want to know which syllable is the stressed syllable in this word so that you can emphasise it –  eekeleg

Can you hear me stressing that? Here is another example with eekeleg we often hear

  • D’Iessen an der Kantin ass eekeleg. – The food is disgusting at the cantine.

Another thing you need to know about this adjective is that it’s extreme? The word eekeleg already explains that something is wierklech schlecht or ganz schlecht

On the contrary when something is very beautiful, don’t always say ganz schéin instead use:

2 wonnerschéin

  • D’Vue ass wonnerschéin. – The view is wonderful.
  • Mir hate wonnerschéint Wieder an der Vakanz. – We had wonderful weather on holiday.

3 gliddeg

When something is very, very hot, use the word gliddeg. Instead of saying d’Zopp ass ganz waarm, you can say

  • Pass op, d’Zopp ass  gliddeg. – Be careful, the soup is boiling hot.
  • De Sand ass gliddeg. – The sand is very hot.

The contrary of gliddeg is 

4 äiskal

Use äiskal to say that something is ice-cold or when it is freezing outside. So instead of: ’t ass ganz kal, you can say

  • ’t ass äiskal dobaussen. – It’s freezing outisde.
  • Et bléist en äiskale Wand. – The wind is ice-cold.

So what about when something is extremely large in size? Large in size or amount or degree? Can you think of an adjective, an extreme adjective?

5 immens

  • Hatt muss eng immens Gedold hunn. – She must have an  immense patience.
  • Hei gëtt en immenst Lotissement gebaut. – They will build an enormous site (for housing) here.

Many young people also use the adjective mega to express that something is mega or huge or just great: Dat ass eng mega Iddi!

This next adjective describes something remarkable or fantastic and impressive. It’s…

6 fantastesch

  • Dat war e  fantastesche Concert. – That was a splendid, fantastic concert.
  • Meng Boma ka fantastesch kachen. – My grandmother cooks remarkably.

When you are excited about something, an event or even a person use the word

7 begeeschtert

  • Ech si begeeschtert vu menger neier Aarbecht. –  I am enthusiastic/excited about my new job.
  • Mäi Jong ass begeeschtert vu sengem Schoulmeeschter. – My son is enthusiastic about his teacher

So instead of using ganz frou use begeeschtert to show that you are enthusiastic or excited.

Watch this lesson on Youtube to practice your pronunciation and improve your listening skills.

8 impeccabel

This means perfect or really well done. And we use it when something is perfect without any problems at all.

  • D’Representatioun war impeccabel  The performance was impeccable.
  • Meng Duechter ass ëmmer impeccabel ugedoen. – My daughter is always impeccable dressed.

We also often say that someone’s behaviour was impeccabel. 

The next adjective is …

9 grujeleg

This means horrible or hideous or terrible. This may be a tricky one to say. Listen to the pronunciation and repeat after me: 

  • Ech hunn e  grujelegt Accident op der Autobunn gesinn. –  I saw a terrible accident on the motorway
  • Wéi kann e Mënsch esou grujeleg Schong undoen! – How can a person wear such hideous shoes!

Instead of saying that it is ganz ellen use grujeleg

When something or someone is really annoying or very stupid you can say instead of ganz domm

10 blöd

This may also be a tricky one to say. Listen to the pronunciation and repeat after me: 

  • Dat Spill ass blöd. – This game is very stupid.
  • De Concert ass ofgesot. Dat ass blöd. – The concert has been cancelled. That’s annoying.

Okay so now we’ve learnt some new extreme adjectives, let’s test what you know and lock them into your memory.

Let’s practice:

Übung 1

We will start with a first exercise, I’m going to show you the synonyms of 5 adjectives and I want you to try and remember what is the correct adjective.

  1. ganz waarm ….

2. ganz grouss, enorm …..

3. perfekt ….

4. ganz schlecht ….

5. ganz frou, enthusiastesch …

 Übung 2

Complete the sentence with the correct adjective, one of the ones that we’ve just learned.

  1. Ech kann dësen Houschtsirop net drénken. E schmaacht _____________ . 
  2. Meng Kanner si ___________ fir muer an den Zoo ze goen.
  3. Mäi Papp huet vill Aarbecht. Hie schafft un engem ________ Projet.
Check the solutions by downloading the PDF and practice  with MORE sentences !

Get the PDF!

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