How to say “There is / are” in Luxembourgish

In this short Luxembourgish lesson I’ll explain the difference between et gëtt and et ass / sinn in Luxembourgish.

Et gëtt

Here we have the verb ginn which has several meanings but in this lesson we’ll concentrate on the meaning there is / are (in the sense of to exist).

Et gëtt is used when you make a general statement about the EXISTENCE of something:

⇒ An Italien gëtt et vill Kazen. – In Italy there are many cats.

Depending on the word order you’ll often read and hear gëtt et and I suggest that you listen to this lesson so to practise the pronunciation and to recognise these 2 small words in a conversation.

Et ass / sinn

is used to make an observation about a specific situation:

⇒ Et sinn haut vill Leit am Park. – Today there are many people in the park.

So these people are not always in the park, but they are there right now. Therefore you have to say et sinn.

Let’s illustrate the difference between et gëtt and et ass / sinn with one example:


Et gëtt vill Singlen zu Lëtzebuerg . – There are many single people in Luxembourg.

This is a general statement. But let’s imagine that you are at a party and you may say to a friend:

Et sinn net vill Singlen hei . – There are not many single people here.

So this is just at this specific party that there are not many single people.

In the following examples we are talking or enquiring about the EXISTENCE of a shop, a restaurant or something in general:

  • Et gëtt vill Supermarchéen zu Stroossen. – There are many supermarkets in Strassen.
  • Gëtt et hei an der Géigend en italienesche Restaurant? –  Is there any Italian restaurant close by?
  • Gëtt et och e Lift hei? – Is there as well an elevator here?
  • An der Stad gëtt et vill schéi Parken. – In Luxembourg city there are many beautiful parks.
  • Gëtt et eng Schwämm hei am Quartier? – Is there a swimming pool in the quarter?

In these examples we are  making an observation about a specific situation:

  • Et ass nëmmen nach 1 Liter Mëllech iwwreg.  – There is only one liter of milk left.
  • Et ass haut vill Wand. – There is much wind today.
  • Et sinn haut net vill Leit am Bus. – There are not many people in the bus today.
  • Et si vill Supermarchéë sonndes op. – There are many supermarkets open on Sundays.
  • Oh, et ass jo och a Lift hei. – Oh, there is as well an elevator here. 

Expressions with et gëtt

Et gëtt ëmmer eng Léisung. – There is always a solution.

Wat gëtt et Neits? – What’s new?

Gëtt et e Problem? – Is there a problem?

Bei eis gëtt et freides ëmmer Fësch – We’re always having fish on Fridays.

I hope you liked it and found it useful. And …. why not sharing this lesson with your friends:-)

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