Mengem, menger, …: Possessive Adjectives in the Dative Case – 2

In the previous lesson you have learned what  possessive adjectives are and how to use them in the nominative & accusative case.

Beispiller (examples)

Seng Schong si schéin. – His shoes are nice. (nominative)

Hues du deng Mamm gefrot. – Did you ask your mother? (accusative)

Remember that when you’re considering which possessive adjective to use and how to use it, there are some factors to bear in mind:

The sentence case – the dative case –  is a factor that requires to change the ending of the possessive adjective.

Should you not be familiar with the dative case I would advise you to revise this lesson!


So, in this lesson you are going to learn the

Possessive Adjectives in the dative case

Thumb rule:

For the dative case of possessive pronouns we add the ending em for masculine and neuter nouns. For female nouns we add er and for plural nouns en:

Masculine & Neuter nouns

ech –              mengem  my 
du –                dengem  your 
hien/hatt –    Sengem his/her 
si –                   Hirem (formal)  her 
mir –                Eisem  our 
Dir/dir –          Ärem/ärem  your
si (pl) –            hirem  their 

Feminine nouns

ech –              Menger  my 
du –                Denger  your 
hien/hatt –    Senger his/her 
si –                  Hirer  her
mir –               Eiser our 
Dir/dir –         Ärer / ärer your 
si (pl) –           Hirer their 

Plural nouns

ech –              Mengen  my 
du –                Dengen  your 
hien/hatt –    Sengen his / her 
si –                  Hiren  her
mir –               Eisen our 
Dir/dir –         Ären/ären–  your 
si (pl) –           Hiren  their 

As you can notice these possessive pronouns are very similar to the indefinite articles in the dative case (which you can learn in this lesson).

Let’s practice:

Masculine nouns

Ech sinn d’Marie. Dat ass mäi Mann (masc. noun)  – I am Marie. This is my husband.

Ech gi mengem Mann e Kuss. –   I give a kiss to my husband.

⇒ Ech is the nominative (the person acting)

⇒ e Kuss is the accusative (direct object)

⇒ mengem Mann is the dative (indirect object = the receiver of the direct object)

Neuter nouns

Dat ass mäi Kand (neuter noun). Ech gi mengem Kand e Kuss.
This is my child. I give a kiss to my child.

⇒ mengem Kand is the dative (indirect object = the receiver of the direct object)


Learn the most commonly used verbs like  ginn (to give) which always  require the dative case. 

Feminine nouns

Dat ass meng Duechter (fem). Ech gi menger Duechter e Kuss.
This is my daughter. I give a kiss to my daughter.

⇒ menger Duechter  is the dative (indirect object)

Plural nouns

Dat si meng Elteren. Ech gi mengen Eltern e Kuss.
These are my parents. I give a kiss to my parents.

⇒ mengen Elteren (plural noun)

Übung (exercise)

Watch the video so to practice with many many examples –  along with me!

Get the pdf

If you want to learn Luxembourgish from scratch but you don’t have time to attend classes then this my online course is for you!

 Easy Luxembourgish Level 1  


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