Learn the colors and useful phrases / A1

In this lesson you’ll learn how to say the colors in Luxembourgish.

This lesson will be very colorful. Dat gëtt eng faarweg Lektioun. The Luxembourgish word for colorful is faarweg. As you can hear faarweg is not pronounced as it is spelled.

Practice your pronunciation: Basics of Luxembourgish Pronunciation

I recommend that you watch the Video so to learn the correct pronunciation of the different colors. Listen to me first and repeat after me and the focus in this lesson is on your pronunciation!

  • Mäi Prabbeli ass faarweg. – My umbrella is colorful.

But let’s start with the word for “the color” which is 

d’ Faarf (f)

as it is a feminine noun you would say for “a color” eng Faarf.

The plural of Faarf is

d’ Faarwen

Learn at the end of this lesson some useful expressions with colors.

giel – yellow

To ask someone “What color is ….?” you would say in Luxembourgish: Wat fir eng Faarf huet …..?, zum Beispill: Wat fir eng Faarf huet d’Zitroun?

  • D’Zitroun ass giel. – The lemon is yellow. 
  • Wat ass nach giel? – What else is yellow? D’Sonn ass giel.The sun is yellow.

wäiss – white 

  • Schnéi ass wäiss. – Snow is white.
  • Wat ass nach wäiss? – What else is white? Meng Taass ass wäiss. – My cup is white.

schwaarz – black

  • Meng Kaz ass schwaarz oder pechschwaarz. My cat is black or pitch-black
  • E Prabbeli ass dacks schwaarz. – An umbrella is often black.

blo – blue

  • Den Himmel ass blo. – The sky is blue.
  • Ech hunn nëmme blo Boxen. – I’ve only blue pants.

gréng – green

  • Beem si gréng. – Trees are green.
  • Wat fir eng Faarf huet däi Mantel? En ass gréng.– What color is your coat? It is green.

Instead of Wat fir eng …? you can say Wéi eng …? It doesn’t matter.

  • Wéi eng Faarf huet däi Mantel? En ass gréng.– What color is your coat? It is green.

rout – red

  • Kiischte si rout. – Cherries are red.
  • Wéi eng Faarf huet deng nei Jupe? Se ass rout. – What color is your new skirt. It is red.

 rosa – light pink

  • Meng Liblingsfaarf ass rosa. – My favorite color is pink.
  • Net jiddereen huet d’Faarf rosa gär. – Not everyone likes the color pink.

mof – purple

  • Verschidde Blumme si mof. – Some flowers are purple.
  • Wéi eng Faarf huet däi Kleed? Et ass mof.– What color is your dress? It is purple

I have talked about these small words en – se -et in this lesson. 

orange – orange

  • Muerte sinn orange. – Carrots are orange.
  • Wat ass nach orange? Ma, eng Orange natierlech! – What else is orange? Well, an orange of course!

gro – grey

  • Eisen Teppech ass gro. – Our carpet is grey.
  • Hatt huet elo gro Hoer. – She has grey hair now .

Learn how to describe a person (clothes & colors) with my online course Easy Luxembourgish Level 2!

brong – brown

  • All meng Posche si brong. – All my handbags are brown.
  • Mäin Hond ass brong – My dog is brown.

beige – beige

  • Wat ass deng Liblingsfaarf?  Beige!What is your favorite color?
  • Solle mir d’Mauer beige oder gro usträichen?. – Should we paint the wall beige or grey?

If you want to say say light blue or light green you would say:

hellblo / hellgréng

If you want to say say dark blue or dark gréng you would say:

donkellblo / donkelgréng


Et ass mir schwaarz virun den Ae ginn. – I became dizzy.

Ech hu kee Rouden a kee Wäisse méi. – I haven’t got anymore money.

Mäi Papp huet sech gréng a giel geiergert.-  My dad got very angry.

Dat ass net dat Gielt vum Ee. – That’ doesn’t suit / that’s not optimal.

In the next lesson you will learn how to  describe a person – so the clothes with the colors a person is wearing, his hair – useful vocabulary to describe a picture if you intend to take the Sproochentest.

Exercise / Übung: 

Translate the following sentences into Luxembourgish:

  • Red is the color of love.
  • His favorite color is dark blue.
  • A rainbow has lots of colors.

Download the colorful PDF so to practice what you’ve learnt with more sentences to translate in this lesson!

Get the PDF!

I hope you liked it and found it useful. And …. why not sharing this lesson with your friends:-)

If you want to learn Luxembourgish from scratch but you don’t have time to attend classes then this my online course is for you!

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