5 Tips to best prepare the oral part of the Sproochentest

Nobody likes tests, let alone studying for them, but these tips will  help you conquer the oral part of the language test to acquire Luxembourgish nationality  easier.

We all know the score: tests are quickly approaching, your stress levels are rising, and you feel like the days are getting shorter and shorter as you run out of time to study.

So if you’re studying for the upcoming test,  follow these simple tricks to boost your confidence for the big day.
In this article I will share with you my tips to be best prepare for the oral expression test:

1 Prioritize your revision

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to studying for exams. Every exam is unique, with a certain set of specific skills being tested. For example, understanding Luxembourgish native speakers might make you a pro at the listening comprehension test, but you’ll probably crash and burn in the spoken exam if your fluency skills and your vocabulary are lacking. 

Plan ahead, make sure you know exactly what aspects of the language are being tested in the exam itself. If you haven’t read my article “All you should know about the oral test” read it here. And prioritize your revision on improving the weakest parts of your linguistic repertoire. 

2 Make your study plan

Don’t leave your test preparation until the last minute. Start as soon as possible! Look at your schedule and build yourself a tailor-made plan that gives you ample time to focus on all areas of the language. Do something each day – 15 minutes’ preparation per day is better than 30 minutes’ preparation once a week. With my online course “Master the Sproochentest – Oral Exam” you get a 42-Day-Study-Plan will help you with what you will be learning and what you have to do whether it is preparing a topic, or describing a picture, or listening to a record.

You might need to adjust the amount of time you spend learning the necessary vocabulary versus the amount of time you spend practicing speaking. And if you thrive on structure and routine, build yourself a clear daily agenda and stick to it!

Whichever approach you choose, the most important thing is to plan long in advance to give you a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses right from the start. Plus, to give yourself a little motivational boost during your review time:

3 Write down a short text on each topic

In this Blogpost  you can read about the topics that are likely to come up in the oral test. So to know what it is you want to say during the test, you need to verbalise it. Better still – put it down on paper. In my online course Master the Sproochentest – Oral Exam  you will learn to write down for each topic a short text about yourself, print it out and read it aloud. I will provide you for each topic with the useful vocabulary to be able to express yourself and I have included questions the examiner might ask about a given topic so that you can prepare the answers to those questions.

Repeat your answers one phrase at a time. Select a chunk and repeat it to yourself over and over until you’ve got it. Then learn the next chunk. Then repeat both the chunks together. Then add the next bit and so on. Practice saying the entire answer in one go.

The idea is to fill your head with correct and coherent content so that, when you go to speak in the exam, correct and coherent sentences come out of your mouth.

Think as well to practise describing pictures. For this choose pictures with people and write a description for each. It is best to think about:

who – what – where – when – how

Think about the subject, environment, time of day, weather, location, …this will give you ideas to keep you talking.

In my  online course “Master the Sproochentest – Oral Exam” you will learn a unique technique to describe a picture. With that technique you will be able to talk about any given picture.

4 Recite notes out aloud

Studies show that reciting your notes out aloud helps you to retain more information. So next time you study, prepare your text about each topic of the oral part of the test and then recite them out loudly. This will help you to memorise them and to get familiar with them. So you will less struggle during the test searching for your words. 

If you need to learn a word but you’re not sure how to pronounce it, look it up using the Luxembourgish online dictionary: www.lod.lu. This is a great tool as it allows you to listen to the pronunciation of the words.

5 Keep in mind

Keep in mind that overconfidence can be a big disadvantage. It could turn out to be a real weakness. For this reason, preparation for the test must not be ignored and must be a key part of your overall preparation for your desired Sproochentest’s programme. 

Good Luck!

Tests, especially oral tests are scary but if you prepare well beforehand, when you walk into that exam room and the nerves hit you, you’ll be able to remind yourself that everything you need to know is in your head. Then it’s just a case of showing what you know.

Have better chances to get a high score on the oral exam of the Sproochentest with the online course: Master the Sproochentest!

With this course I share strategies, top tips and the experience I have gained over the years so that you can benefit of it, gain confidence and achieve your best score at the Sproochentest’s oral exam.

 The 50-Day-Study-Plan shows you exactly what you should study, when you should study and how to get ready in 6 weeks with this self-paced online course.

The most flexible approach to Sproochentest preparation:

Study in any location, at any time and always at your own pace!

This course will help you strengthen and practice both your pronunciation and speaking skills.



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