How to say “I used to …” in Luxembourgish?

In this very short lesson I want you to learn how to say in Luxembourgish “I used to …” like I used to go to the gym or I used to work in another company. 

So if you want to say I used to do something in Luxembourgish you can use the following two words

fréier & soss

And as we are talking about something that happened in the past you have to use the past tense – for the more or less 10 verbs which have a past tense – and otherwise the present perfect.

Watch the lesson on yutube so to practice your listening and speaking skills!


Fréier / soss huet hie vill Béier gedronk. Elo drénkt hien heiansdo Béier.
He used to drink a lot of beer. Now he sometimes drinks beer.

Fréier / soss hunn ech Tennis gespillt. Elo maachen ech kee Sport méi.
I used to play tennis. Now I don’t do any more sports.

Fréier / soss hunn ech vill Pizza giess. Elo iessen ech méi Zalot a Geméis.
I used to eat a lot of pizza. Now I eat more salad and vegetables.

Fréier / soss hunn ech wéineg verdéngt. Elo verdéngen ech méi.
I used to earn very little. Now I earn more.

Fréier / soss war mäi Jong faul. Elo huet hie sech awer geännert.
My son used to be lazy. But now he changed a lot.

Fréier / soss sinn ech ganz spéit an d’Bett gaang. Elo ginn ech spéitstens um 11 schlofen.
used to go to bed very late. Now I go to sleep not later than 11pm.

Fréier / soss war mäi Jong faul . Elo huet hie sech awer geännert.
My son used to be lazy. But now he changed a lot.

Fréier / soss ass mäi Mann all dag mam Auto schaffe gaang. Elo fiert hie mam Bus.
My husband used to go by car to work every day. Now he goes by bus. 

Fréier / soss hunn ech op enger Bank geschafft. Elo sinn ech Proff.
I used to work at a bank. Now I am a teacher. 

So …. soss is an important word and I have heard from quite a few students that they find soss rather hard to grasp.

In this lesson soss is used in combination with the past tense & present perfect and thus it only has the meaning of “I used to ..”.


If you look up soss in a dictionary you’ll most likely find else as the main translation. This is correct but  soss can also be used as usually, before or besides. 

Furthermore native speakers use it all over the place so it deserves no less than an explanation in a separate lesson.

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