How to Answer Questions in Luxembourgish

In a previous lesson you have learnt how to ask questions in Luxembourgish. In this lesson I want to give you some hints how to answer questions such as Wéi oft?, Wéi laang? or Wéini?  These are questions which occur in every day conversations and with these hints you will be able to answer those questions with less hesitation. And if you intend to take the Sproochentest you will need to understand such questions  and know how to answer these questions. 

So, let’s start:

Wéi oft? /dacks? – How often?

You can answer this question using the following vocabulary:

a)  mol (times)

eemol den Dag – once a day

zweemol d’Woch – twice a week

dräimol de Mount – three times a month

véiermol d’Joer – four times a year

once” is eemol or “one time” and zweemol means “twice” or literally “two times” And to say “once a year” say eemol d’Joer.

b) Adverbs of frequency

ni, seelen, heiansdo, oft / dacks, normalerweis, ëmmer …

(never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always …)


all Dag / Woch / Mount / Joer / Weekend …

(every day / week / month / year / weekend …)

bal all Dag – almost every day

Beispiller (examples)

a) Wéi oft d’Joer gitt dir an d’Vakanz? Mir ginn normalerweis zweemol d’Joer an d’Vakanz.
How often a year do you go on holidays? We usually go twice a year on holidays.

b) Wéi oft gees du op e Concert? Ech gi seelen e Concert lauschteren.
How often do you go to a concert? I seldom go to listen to a concert.

c) Wéi dacks ëss du Schockela? Ech iesse bal all Dag Schockela.
How often do you eat chocolate? I eat almost everyday chocolate.

Wéi laang?  How long?

You can answer this question with the following vocabulary:

a) eng Stonn, eng hallef Stonn, e puer Stonnen, 10 Minutten …
(1 hour, half an hour, several hours, 10 minutes …) 

b) een Dag, zwou Wochen, 3 Méint, ee Joer …
(1 day, 2 weeks, 3 months, 1 year …)

c) ongeféier, schonn, säit / zënter, zimlech laang/kuerz …
(approximatively, since (for), already, quite long/short …)

Beispiller (examples)

a) Wéi laang dauert deng Mëttespaus? Ech hunn nëmmen eng Stonn Mëttespaus.
How long is your lunchbreak? I’ve only one hour lunchbreak.

b) Wéi laang bleift dir an der Vakanz? Mir bleiwen dëse Summer ee Mount a Brasilien. 
How long do you stay on holidays? We stay one month in Brasil this summer.

c) Wéi laang wunnt dir zu Lëtzebuerg? Ech wunnen hei säit  2012.
How long have you been living here? I live here since 2012.

Wéini – When

You can answer this question with the following vocabulary:

a) moies, mëttes, owes, freides, sonndes, am Wanter, am Juli …
(in the mornings, in the afternoons, in the evenings, on Fridays, on Sundays, in winter, in July …)

b) den Owend, de Mëtteg um 12 Auer, de Weekend,
this evening, this midday at 1pm, this weekend, 

c) Chrëschtdag, Ouschteren, an der Vakanz …
(Christmas, Eastern, on holidays …)

Beispiller (examples)

a) Wéini fiers du dëst Joer an d’Vakanz? Mir fueren am Juni an d’Schwäiz.
When do you go (drive) on holidays this year? We  go to Switzerland in June .

b) Wéini kënns du haut heem? Ech komme géint 20h00 Auer den Owend heem.
When do you come home today? I’m coming home around 8pm.

c) Wéini besichs du deng Elteren? Ech besiche si ëmmer Chrëschtdag.
When do you visit your family? I always visit them on Christmas.

Mat wiem? – with whom?

mat menger Famill / Fra, mat menge Kanner, mat mengem Mann, mat Frënn …

(with my family / wife, with my kids, with my husband,with friends …)

eleng – alone

Beispiller (examples)

Mat wiem waars du de Mëtteg an de Restaurant? Ech war mat e puer Aarbechtskolleegen.
With whom did you go to the restaurant at lunchtime? I went with some colleagues.

Mat wiem gees du dann op Paräis. Ech gi mat menger Famill dohin.
With whom do you go to Paris? I go there with my family.

Mat wiem gees du lafen? Ech ginn ëmmer eleng lafen.
With whom do you go running. I always go running alone. 

Wuer? – Where to?

Use the following prepositions:

a) op + city / village / place

b) an + country / region / continent

c) bei + person

Beispiller (examples)

a) Wuer fiert dëse Bus, w.e.g.? De Bus fiert op Mamer.
Where (to) does this bus drive, please? The bus goes to Mamer. 

b) Wuer gitt dir dann dëst Joer an d’Vakanz. Majo, mir gi wahrscheinlech an Australien.
Where do you go on holidays this year? Well, we probably will go to Australia.

c) Wuer muss du de Mëtteg goen? Du weess jo, ech ginn donneschdes ëmmer bei de Coiffer.
Where do you have to go this afternoon. You know, I always go  to the hairdresser on Thursdays.

I hope that this lesson was helpful. You can as well watch this lesson on youtube.

Do you need to practice your oral expression so to make better conversations? Then get in touch with me at or check out the courses I offer!

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