Learn to use the word GÄR to talk about your free time

Today you are going to learn useful vocabulary to talk about Fräizäit (this is a topic of the oral part of the Sproochentest) which literally means free time. You are going to learn to say what you like and don’t like doing in your freetime. Let’s begin with something very important: If you want to say that you like doing something you should usually use the small word


Gär can only be used in conjunction with a verb:  verb + gär (I like to )

And to ask someone What do you (informal) like doing in your free time is in Luxembourgish:

Wat méchs du gär an denger Fräizäit?

Ech léiere gär Lëtzebuergesch. I like learning Luxembourgish.
Ech fuere gär Vëlo. I like cycling.
Ech lafe gär. / Ech jogge gär. I like running.
Ech liese gär. I like reading.
Ech treffe gär Frënn. I like meeting friends.
Ech lauschtere gär Musek. I like listening to music.
Ech kache gär. I like cooking.
Ech gi gär spadséieren. I like to go walking.
Ech gi gär an de Kino. I like to go to the cinema.

If you like doing an activity very much you can always add ganz or immens before gär:

Ech spille ganz / immens gär Fussball. I like playing football very much.

If you don’t like doing something you can use one of the following constructions:

verb + net gär   I don’t like to 
verb + guer net gär I don’t like at all to / I really don’t like to 

Ech ginn net gär an d’Schwämm. I don’t like going to the swimmingpool.
Ech spille guer net gär Computer(spiller). I really don’t like playing computer games.
Ech botze guer net gär. I don’t like cleaning at all.

Word Order of the Adverbs –  Gär …

… ganz gär, net gär, guer net gär are placed directly after the main verb in a sentence.


Ech maache gär Sport. I like doing sports.
Ech ginn net gär schwammen. I don’t like to go swimming.

But when forming a question with gär or other adverbs, then the adverb comes after the pronoun


Méchs du gär Sport? Do you like doing sports?

Mools du net gär ? Don’t you like to draw?

Now you have learnt that gär comes straight after the main verb in a declarative sentence. But when you add adverbs of time such as moies “every morning” or “in the morning”, owes, mëttes  in your phrase, then these come before gär.


Ech kucken owes gär Tëlee. I like to watch Tv in the evening.  

I recommend that you listen to the video of this lesson for the correct pronunciation of gär.

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