Learn to use correctly the preposition AN in Luxembourgish


The Luxembourgish preposition an has several meanings in English. It can mean to, in, at. An is a two-way preposition. This means you must pay attention whether there is a movement or not in the sentence.

If there is a MOVEMENT toward something or to a specific place, you usually use verbs like goen, fueren, kommen, fléien, klammen, stellen, leeën, maachen….

Beispiller (Examples)

  • Haut ginn ech an de Restaurant. There is a motion toward a destination: the restaurant. Today I’m going to the restaurant.
  • Ech fuere mam Auto an Italien. I drive/go by car to Italy.
  • Ech leeën d’Kanner um 20h00 Auer an d’Bett. I put the children at 8pm to bed.

If there is NO movement, but a POSITION, a place, then you use verbs like sinn, wunnen, schaffen, iessen, schlofen, stoen, leien, waarden…..

Beispiller (Examples)

  • Haut war ech um 12 Auer an der Kantin. (Here I am already at a location, place: I was at the cantine)
  • Ech war am August an der Vakanz. I was in August on holidays.
  • D’Fläsch steet am* (an demFrigo. The bottle is in the fridge.
  • D’Kanner leien um 20h00 Auer am* (an dem) d’Bett.

*In the dative case the preposition an can contract: combined with the definite articles masculine and neutral: dem it forms a contracted short form: am.

When do we use the preposition an

  1. an + Land (country)

Whether you are in a country (location) or you go to a country (motion) use an.

Beispiller (Examples)

  • Ech ginn an Italien an d’Vakanz. Movement: I go to Italy on holidays.
  • Meng Eltere wunnen an Italien. Location: My parents live in Italy.


  • Ech ginn am Summer 3 Wochen op Lëtzebuerg.
  • Ech wunnen zu Lëtzebuerg.
  1. an + building, in a place

A building can be: de Restaurant, de Buttek, de Kino, d’Schwämm, d’Haus, d’Philharmonie, den Theater, de Supermarché, d’Spidol, d’Schoul …

In a place can be: de Frigo, den Tirang, de Schaf, d’Këscht, d’Stuff, d’Zëmmer …
But also: an de Bësch, an de Park, an de Gaart.

Beispiller (Examples)

  • Mir ginn haut mat de Kanner an de Park. – We will go with the kids to the play ground today.
  • Ech leeën de Schlëssel ëmmer an den Tirang. – I always put the key in the drawer.
  1. an + Dativ (dative case)

When an is translated by during or in (at a later time, from now) then it is always followed by the dative case.

Beispiller (Examples)

  • An der Vakanz spillen d’Kanner oft dobausse Fussball. During the holidays the children often play football outside.
  • Ech fueren an dräi Deeg mam Zuch op Paräis. I’am going in 3 days to Paris by train.
  • Mir treffen eis an enger Stonn op der Gare. We will meet in one hour at the station.

And as you can see in the examples: The feminine article d’ changes to der and eng changes to enger in the dative case (a position, so no movement).

There you go. This is of course not the exhaustive usage of the preposition “an”, but these are the most common and examples when an is used.

Let’s practice:

Complete the sentences with the prepsition and the  article!

    1. Stell d’Fläsch ____ ____ Frigo.Put the bottle in the fridge.
    2. Am Januar fléien ech ____ ____ Brasilien. – In January I’ll fly to Brasilia.
    3. Ech sinn den Owend um 8 Auer ___ ___ Stad. – I’ll be at 8pm in the city tonight.

Check the solution by downloading the PDF and practice  with MORE sentences to translate !

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