In the previous lessons of the Sproochentest Oral Exam Q&A series, you learned 3 model answers to 3 types of questions that are likely to come up in the topics Wunnen and Transportmëttelen.
In this third lesson, you’ll learn 3 model answers to 3 types of questions regarding the topic Sproochen and which will help you to give better answers in the Sproochentest Oral Exam.
Bass du prett? Da lass! – Are you ready? Then let’s get started!
Wéi vill Sprooche schwätzt Dir?
Here is one of the first questions the examiner may ask you. And you can use these sentences:
- Ech schwätzen dräi Sproochen, an zwar Polnesch, Russesch an Englesch. An ech léiere Lëtzebuergesch. – I speak three languages, more precisely Polish, Russian and English. And I’m learning Luxembourgish.
- Ech schwätze fléissend dräi Sprooche fléissend, an zwar Spuenesch, Franséisch, Englesch an ech versti ganz gutt Italienesch. Elo schwätzen ech och e bësse Lëtzebuergesch.
I speak three languages fluently, more precisely Spanish, French, English and I understand very well Italian. Now I also speak a little Luxembourgish.
The verb to speak is schwätzen. I often hear students using another verb (which I will not name on purpose so as to avoid any confusion) that does NOT exist.
Firwat léiert Dir Lëtzebuergesch?
- Ech wunnen zënter 5 Joer hei a Lëtzebuerg gefält mir gutt. Ech wëll hei bleiwen, mech integréieren a Leit kenneléieren. Ech léieren och Lëtzebuergesch fir meng Kolleegen op der Aarbecht ze verstoen.
I’ve been living here for 5 years and I like Luxembourg very much. I want to stay here, to integrate and meet people. I also learn Luxembourgish to understand my colleagues at work.
- Mäi Jong geet an d’ Primärschoul an eisem Duerf. Hie versteet a schwätzt och Lëtzebuergesch. Mäi Mann ass Lëtzbuerger. Dofir ass et wichteg fir mech d’Sprooch léieren. An ech wëll och mat mengen Noperen a aneren Elteren Lëtzebuergesch schwätze kënnen.
My son goes to the primary school in our village. He also understands and speaks Luxembourgish. My husband is a Luxembourger. That’s why it’s important for me to learn the language. And I want to be able to speak Luxembourgish with my neighbours and other parents also.
Wéi eng Method benotzt Dir fir Lëtzebuegesch ze léieren?
- Virun der Pandemie war ech an engem Gruppecours a menger Gemeng. Elo léieren ech mat online Coursen. Dat ass praktesch. An ech hunn och eemol d’Woch e Cours online mat engem Proff fir schwätzen ze üben. Ech benotzen och en online Dictionaire.
Before the pandemic, I went to a group class in my commune. Now I learn with online courses. That’s convenient. And I also have a lesson online with a teacher once a week to practice speaking. I also use an online dictionary.
- Ech léieren eleng doheem mat Bicher, mat enger App. An ech sinn an engem online Gruppecours ageschriwwe fir reegelméisseg ze üben.
I learn alone at home with books and an app. And I am registered in an online group class to practice regularly.
Have you noticed:
to practice a language is in Luxembourgish üben
Over to you
try to answer these 3 questions to talk about Sproochen:
1. Wéi vill Sprooche schwätzt Dir?
2. Firwat léiert Dir Lëtzebuergesch?
3. Wéi eng Method benotzt Dir fir Lëtzebuergesch ze léieren?
is a complete and proven step-by-step program that helps you successfully take the language exam to acquire Luxembourgish citizenship in just 6 months!