Model Answers to 3 Questions about the Topic Sproochen – Sproochentest

In the previous lessons of the Sproochentest Oral Exam Q&A series, you learned 3 model answers to 3 types of questions that are likely to come up in the topics Wunnen and Transportmëttelen.

In this third lesson, you’ll learn 3 model answers to 3 types of questions regarding the topic Sproochen and which will help you to give better answers in the Sproochentest Oral Exam.

Learn the different types of questions and get model answers in my self-study online course Master the Sproochentest – Oral Exam.

Bass du prett? Da lass! – Are you ready? Then let’s get started!

Wéi vill Sprooche schwätzt Dir? 

Here is one of the first questions the examiner may ask you. And you can use these sentences:

  • Ech schwätzen dräi Sproochen, an zwar Polnesch, Russesch an Englesch. An ech léiere Lëtzebuergesch. – I speak three languages, more precisely Polish, Russian and English. And I’m learning Luxembourgish.
  • Ech schwätze fléissend dräi Sprooche fléissend, an zwar Spuenesch, Franséisch, Englesch an ech versti ganz gutt Italienesch. Elo schwätzen ech och e bësse Lëtzebuergesch. 

 I speak three languages fluently, more precisely Spanish, French, English and I understand very well Italian. Now I also speak a little Luxembourgish.


The verb to speak is schwätzen. I often hear students using another verb (which I will not name on purpose so as to avoid any confusion) that does NOT exist.

Firwat léiert Dir Lëtzebuergesch?

  • Ech wunnen zënter 5 Joer hei a Lëtzebuerg gefält mir gutt. Ech wëll hei bleiwen, mech integréieren a Leit kenneléieren. Ech léieren och Lëtzebuergesch fir meng Kolleegen op der Aarbecht ze verstoen.

I’ve been living here for 5 years and I like Luxembourg very much. I want to stay here, to integrate and meet people. I also learn Luxembourgish to understand my colleagues at work. 

  • Mäi Jong geet an d’ Primärschoul an eisem Duerf. Hie versteet a schwätzt och Lëtzebuergesch. Mäi Mann ass Lëtzbuerger. Dofir ass et wichteg fir mech d’Sprooch léieren. An ech wëll och mat mengen Noperen a aneren Elteren Lëtzebuergesch schwätze kënnen.

    My son goes to the primary school in our village. He also understands and speaks Luxembourgish. My husband is a Luxembourger. That’s why it’s important for me to learn the language. And I want to be able to speak Luxembourgish with my neighbours and other parents also.     

Wéi eng Method benotzt Dir fir Lëtzebuegesch ze léieren?

  • Virun der Pandemie war ech an engem Gruppecours a menger Gemeng. Elo léieren ech mat online Coursen. Dat ass praktesch. An ech hunn och eemol d’Woch e Cours online mat engem Proff fir schwätzen ze üben. Ech benotzen och en online Dictionaire.

 Before the pandemic, I went to a group class in my commune. Now I learn with online courses. That’s convenient. And I also have a lesson online with a teacher once a week to practice speaking. I also use an online dictionary.

  • Ech léieren eleng doheem mat Bicher, mat enger App.  An ech sinn an engem online Gruppecours ageschriwwe fir reegelméisseg ze üben.

  I learn alone at home with books and an app. And I am registered in an online group   class to practice regularly.  

Have you noticed:

to practice a language is in Luxembourgish üben

Over to you

try to answer these 3 questions to talk about Sproochen:

1. Wéi vill Sprooche schwätzt Dir?

2. Firwat léiert Dir Lëtzebuergesch?

3. Wéi eng Method benotzt Dir fir Lëtzebuergesch ze léieren?



is a complete and proven step-by-step program that helps you successfully take the language exam to acquire Luxembourgish citizenship in just 6 months!

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