Learn how to use doheem & heem correctly

Do you know when to say doheem and heem?

Do you know how to correctly say “I am at home” and “ I go home” in Luxembourgish? Are you, like many of my students, also struggling when trying to say this to someone?
Here is the answer: You have to ask the following questions:

1. Wou? (Where – Position) ⦿

  • Wou bass du? Ech sinn doheem. – Where are you? I’m at home.
  • Wou waart dir gëschter? Mir sinn doheem bliwwen. – Where have you been yesterday? We stayed at home.

When do you say doheem? –  When you are at home.
When you use verbs which are expressing a position like:
sinn, hunn, bleiwen, schaffen, iessen, schlofen …

Beispiller (examples):

  • Ech schaffe(n) freides moies doheem. – I work at home on Friday mornings.
  • Mir bleiwen normalerweis sonndes owes doheem. – We usually stay at home on Sunday evenings.

2. Wouhin? (Where – to what place)

  • Wouhi(n) gees du? Ech ginn heem. – Where do you go? I go home.
  • Wouhi(n) fueren deng Elteren elo? Si fueren heem. – Where do your parents drive now?- They’ll  drive home.

When do you say heem?When you go home.

Heem seldom stands alone. We use it most often with a verb which is expressing a movement like:
goen, fueren, kommen, fléien 

Beispiller (examples):

SUMMARY –  Remember this:

Ech ginn heem. – I’m going home.
Ech sinn doheem. – I’m at home.

How to say going to someone’s house?

Do you know how to correctly say I’m going to my mum’s house?
Don’t make this mistake: Please don’t use the word Haus. It’s not a proper word.

‘I’m going today to my mum’s (house)’ is expressed by saying it the following way:

  • Ech ginn haut bei meng Mamm.  (Literally: I go today to my mum.)

That’s all you need. Sometimes the Luxembourgsih language is indeed devoted to simplicity:

  • Hie(n) fiert bei seng Elteren. – He’s going to his parents’ house.
  • D’Kanner gi(nn) bei hir Grousselteren.- The children will go to their grand parents’ house.
  • Mir kommen den Owend bei iech. – We will come to your place this evening.

Let’s practice:

Translate the following sentences into Luxembourgish:

  1. Our friends are coming at our place at the weekend.
  2. My daughter comes home at half past three on Fridays.
  3. I have been working at home for 3 years.

Check the solution by downloading the PDF and practice  with MORE sentences to translate !

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