How to use adjectives to compare things or persons

To compare things you need adjectives such as kleng, schéin, kal 

To say in Luxembourgish that something is for example “smaller” or “faster” you’ll  always add the following word before the adjective:  



Beispiller (examples):

kleng (small) –  méi kleng (smaller)

kuerz (short) –   méi kuerz (shorter)

séier (fast) –  méi séier (faster)

nei (new) –  méi nei (newer)

deier (expensive) –   méi deier (more expensive)

léif (nice) –  méi léif (nicer)

kal (cold) –  méi kal (colder)


When talking about two things, we can compare them. We can use 

 comparative adjectives to describe the differences. In Luxembourgish    

 we use these 3 constructions:

méi …. wéi    manner … wéi    grad esou …wéi

méi … wéi = more than

manner … wéi = less than

grad esou … wéi = as ….as

Beispiller (examples):

  • Mäin Appartement ass méi kleng wéi däin Appartement. – My appartement is smaller than your appartement.
  • Haut ass et méi waarm wéi gëschter.   Today it’s warmer than yesterday.
  • Deng rout Blus ass grad esou schéi wéi deng wäiss. – You red blouse is as beautiful as the white one.
  • Mäi Mann ësst elo manner wéi soss. – Now, my husband eats less than I used to.



Here are the 4 most commonly used irregular comparatives

gutt (good) –   besser (better)

wéineg (little) –   manner (less)

vill (a lot) –   méi (more)

gär (like) –  léiwer (prefer)



Beispiller (examples):

  • Dëse Béier ass gutt. Mee mir schmaacht de lëtzebuergesche Béier besser. – This beer is good, but I find the luxembourgish beer better.
  • Ech iesse gär Uebstzalot mee ech hu léiwer Glace dobäi. – I like to eat fruit sald but I prefer to have ice cream to that.
  • Hei reent et vill, mee ech mengen a Schottland reent et méi. – Here it is raining a lot, but I think that in Scotland it is raining more.

Let’s practise!

Have you read all example sentences above? You need them now to answer the questions below.

  • Try to answer the questions in the pauses.
  • Repeat this exercise many times.
  • With each repetition the patterns will be saved in your long-term memory

Fro 1: Ass mäin Appartement méi kleng wéi däint?

Fro 2: Ass et haut méi kal wéi gëschter? 

Fro 3: Ësst däi Mann elo méi wéi soss?

Fro 4: Schmaacht dir dëse Béier gutt?

Fro 5: Ass deng rout Blus méi schéi wéi déi wäiss?

Äntwert 1: Jo, däin Appartement ass méi kleng wéi mäint.

Äntwert 2: Nee, haut ass et méi waarm wéi gëschter.

Äntwert 3: Nee, hien ësst elo manner wéi soss.

Äntwert 4: Jo, mee de lëtzebuergesche Béier schmaacht mir besser.

Äntwert 5: Nee, meng rout Blus ass grad esou schéi wéi déi wäiss


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