How to say “I would like to do something” in Luxembourgish

Let’s study in this lesson how to say “I would like to do something”.

To express would in Luxembourgish you’ll have to use either the verb ginn or the verb goen in the conditional tense. 

ginn ☛ ech géif   I would

goen ☛ ech géingI would

You can use them interchangeably, so it doesn’t matter which one you use.

To express that you “I would like to” you’ll just add the adverb gär:

 ginn ☛ ech géif  gär I would like 

goen ☛ ech géing gärI would like

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Conjugation – Conditional Tense                           

ginn   ech géif      du géifs     hien/hatt géif    mir géifen       dir géift     si géifen  

goen  ech géing   du géings   hien/hatt géing    mir géingen   dir géingt    si géingen     

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Putting it together into a sentence                          

To make a sentence with Ech géif / géing gär you’ll need an action verb which you put at the very end of the sentence in the infinitve form:

Ech géif / géing gär matkommen. – I would like to come along.

Or if you have 2 verbs you’ll put both at the end of the sentence:

Ech géif / géing gär schwamme goen. – I would like to go swimming

Let’s practise with many examples:


  • Ech géif / géing gär Lëtzebuergesch léieren. – I would like to learn Luxembourgish.
  • D’Kanner géife / géinge gär eppes iessen. – The children would like to eat something.
  • Mäi Mann géif / géing gär méi Zäit mat de Kanner verbréngen. – My husband would like to spend more time with the kids.
  • Meng Fra géif / géing gär en Job hei zu Lëtzebuerg fannen. – My wife would like to find a job here in Luxembourg.
  • Mir géife / géinge gär am Fréijoer a Kanada fléien. – We would like to go (fly) to Canada in spring.



You’ve already learnt in a previous lesson on my blog how to say “I would like to have …” for example if you want to order something in a café or restaurant or ask something in a store.

And to ask this question in Luxembourgish we use the verb hunn in the conditional and a different sentence construction.

Building Questions

To ask someone “Would you like to ….?” you simply start with your helping verbs géif / géing followed by the subject:

  • Géifs / géings du gär eppes drénken. – Would you like something to drink?
  • Géift / géingt dir gär mat eis spadséiere kommen. – Would you like to come for a walk with us?

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Exercise / Übung: 

Translate the following sentences into Luxembourgish:

    1. He would like to talk to you (formal).
    2. I’d like to visit you (plural).
    3. Would you (informal) like to help me, please? 

Check the solution by downloading the PDF and practice with MORE sentences to translate !

Get the PDF!

I hope you liked it and found it useful. And …. why not sharing this lesson with your friends:-)

My new online course  

Easy Luxembourgish Niveau 1  (french version)

 is available now!!

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