55 Common Luxembourgish Phrases – Beginners Part 2

This is part 2 of 55 Common Luxembourgish Phrases that you can use in many different situations. The phrases selected for this lesson are for beginners and typical expressions used by native speakers.

You can get fluent faster if you focus on learning Luxembourgish phrases  – the same phrases that native speakers use every day.

Some phrases are indicated as especially formal (form), informal (inf) or colloquial (coll).

You can practice listening comprehension and oral expression by listening to the phrases.

10 Phrases for telephone calls  


  1. Salut, hei ass d’Anne. – Hi, this is Anne. (inf)
  2. Moien, mäin Numm ass Weber. Ech hätt gär … – Hello, my name is Weber. I would like to … . (form)
  3. Kéint ech mam Marc Weber schwätzen? – May I speak with Marc Weber? (form)
  4. Ech ruffen u wéinst …(+ dativ) . – I’m calling about … . 
  5. Ee Moment, wann ech gelift. – One moment, please. (form)
  6. Ech verbannen Iech mam Service …. . – I connect you with the service … . (form)
  7. Hien / Si ass net do. Soll ech him / hir e Message hannerloossen? – He / she is not there. Shall I leave him / her a message? (form)
  8. Kéint Dir him / hir soen, hie / si soll mech zeréckruffen? – Could you tell him / her to call me back? (form)
  9. Si ass an enger Reunioun. Kéint Dir méi spéit nach eng Kéier uruffen? – She is in a meeting. Could you call again later?
  10. 10. Merci fir Ären Uruff. – Thank you for calling. (form)

8 Phrases for asking  someone’s opinion & giving your opinion


  1. Wat häls du vun ….(+ dativ)?  – What do you think of ….? (inf)
  2. Wéi fannt Dir ….? – How do you find …? (form)
  3. Wat ass deng Meenung iwwer ..? – What is your opinion about …? (inf)
  4. Menger Meenung no.… (+ dativ). – In my opinion ….
  5. Ech géif soen…  I would say …
  6. Ech fannen, datt …. – I think / find that ….
  7. Ech sinn der Meenung, datt … – I personally think that …
  8. Ech sinn iwwerzeegt, datt … – I am convinced that …

5 Phrases for not having an opinion


  1. Ech hunn ni driwwer nogeduecht. – I’ve never thought about it.
  2. Ech weess nach net. – I don’t know  yet.
  3. Ech hu mir nach keng Gedanken driwwer gemeet (gemaach). – I’ve not given it any thought yet.
  4. Dat ass mir egal.  – It doesn’t make any difference to me. (coll)
  5. Ech weess net wat ech dovunner hale soll. – I don’t know what to think of that. (I have no opinion about the matter)

6 Phrases for agreeing 


  1. Genee. – Exactly.
  2. Du hues absolut Recht.  You’re absolutely right.
  3. Dat ass wouer. – That’s true.
  4. Ech sinn averstan. – I agree.
  5. Ech si voll domat averstan. – I agree 100%.
  6. Ech huelen un. – I suppose so. (use this phrase for weak agreement – you agree, but reluctantly) 

6 Phrases for disagreeing 


  1. Ech sinn net domat averstan. – I don’t agree with it!
  2. Dat ass guer net wouer. – That’s absolutely not true. 
  3. Do sinn ech mir awer net sou sécher. – I’m not so sure about that.
  4. Net onbedéngt. – Not necessarily.
  5. Op kee Fall. – No way (coll)
  6. Ech gesinn dat anescht. – That’s not how I see it.

Phrases for responding to good news


  1. Felicitatioun(en)! – Congratulations!
  2. Meng bescht Gléckwënsch. – My best congratulations.
  3. Dat freet mech! – That pleases me.
  4. Dat ass jo genial. – That’s great.
  5. Mega! – Awesome! (coll)

Phrases for responding to bad news


  1. Oh nee … – Oh no ….. .
  2. Dat ass jo schrecklech. – That’s really terrible.
  3. Du Aarmen (masc) / Du Aarmt (fem).  – Poor you. (use this  to respond to bad situations that are not too serious)
  4. Dat deet mir awer leed. – I’m so sorry (to hear that).
  5. Mäin häerzlechst Bäileed. – My sincere condolences. (use this if one of your friends family member or friend passed away).

5 Ways to ask for clarification


  1. Wat gelift? / Pardon? – Pardon? (use this if you didn’t hear or understand what the person said)
  2. Kënnt Dir dat widderhuelen, w.e.g.? – Can you repeat that, please? (form)
  3. Wat mengs du domat? – What do you mean? (inf) (use this when asking for more information)
  4. Dat verstinn ech net. – I don’t understand that.
  5. Ech verstinn net, wat Dir mengt. – I don’t understand what you mean. (form)

10 Phrases for describing relationships


  1. Ech si bestuet. – I’m married.
  2. Mir bestueden eis am Juni. – We’re getting married in June.
  3. Ech si säit 10 Joer bestuet. – I’ve been married for 10 years.
  4. Ech si gepacst. – I live in a civil partnership. 
  5. Ech si single. – I’m single.
  6. Ech hunn e Frënd / eng Frëndin.   I have a boyfriend / girlfriend.
  7. Ech si gescheet. – I’m divorced.
  8. Mir si getrennt. – We are separated.
  9. Ech si Wittmann / Wittfra. – I’m widowed.
  10. 10. Mir si verloobt. – We are engaged.

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 Easy Luxembourgish Level 1  

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