In the 1. lesson of the Sproochentest Oral Exam Q&A series, you learned model answers to 3 types of questions that are likely to come up in the topic Wunnen.
In this 2. lesson, you’ll learn model answers to 3 types of questions regarding the topic Transportmëttelen and which will help you to give better answers in the Sproochentest Oral Exam
Bass du prett? Da lass! – Are you ready? Then let’s get started
Wéi sidd Dir haut an de Sproochentest / an den INL komm?
This is one of the first questions the examiner will ask you. And you can use these sentences:
- Ech sinn haut mam Auto/mam Bus/zu Fouss an den INL komm. – I came by car/by bus/on foot to the INL today.
- Ech wunnen/schaffen um Kierchbierg an dofir hunn ech den Tram bis an den INL geholl. Dat ass praktesch – I live/work at Kirchberg and that’s why I took the tram to the INL. That’s convenient
Have you noticed:
You need to answer using the past tense: ech sinn ….. komm or ech hunn {+ Transportmëttel} geholl
Wat fir Transportmëttelen benotzt Dir fir an d’Vakanz ze goen?
- Wann ech an Europa reesen, fueren ech meeschtens mam Auto an d’Vakanz. Dat ass méi einfach a méi praktesch. Allerdéngs, wann ech meng Famill an Indien besichen huelen ech natierlech de Fliger.
When I travel in Europe, I mostly go by car on vacation. That’s easier and more convenient. However, when I visit my family in India I take the plane of course.
- Ech huelen de Fliger, wann ech zum Beispill a Griichenland oder Spuenien ginn oder wann ech meng Famill a Brasilien besichen. Mäi Partner an ech gi gär de Weekend aner Stied an Europa besichen an da fuere mir gewéinlech mam Auto, zum Beispill fir op Strasbourg, Maastricht oder Amsterdam. Mee fir op Paräis huele mir den Zuch. Dat ass méi séier.
I take the plane, when I go to Greece or Spain for example, or when I visit my family in Brazil. My partner and I like to visit cities in Europe on the weekend and then we usually go by car for example to go to Strasbourg, Maastricht or Amsterdam. But to go to Paris we take the train. That’s faster.
Kënnt Dir Ären Auto beschreiwen?
- Jo natierlech. Mäin Auto ass en Hybrid mat enger Automatik. En ass kleng mee ganz praktesch a bequeem. En ass gro an nei.
Yes of course. My car is a hybrid with an automatic gearbox. It is small but very convenient and comfortable. It is grey and new.
- Jo. Also, ech hunn eng grouss Famill an en Hond an dofir hunn ech e groussen Auto. En huet 8 Sëtzer, eng grouss Mall an ass schwaarz. En ass nei, ech hunn e virun zwee Joer kaaft.
Yes. So, I have a big family and a dog, that’s why I have a big car. It has 8 seats, a huge boot and it is black. It’s new, I bought it two years ago.
Have you noticed:
Use the masculine pronoun en to avoid repeating “mäin Auto”
Over to you:
try to answer these 3 questions::
- Wéi sidd Dir haut an den Institut National des Langues komm?
- Wat fir Transportmëttelen benotzt Dir fir an d’Vakanz ze goen?
- Kënnt Dir Ären Auto beschreiwen?
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