This is lesson 5 of the Sproochentest Oral Exam Q&A series. In lesson 4 you’ve learned model answers to 3 types of questions regarding the topic Vakanz/Reesen.
Today you’ll learn model answers to questions regarding the topic Medien/Technologien.These answers will help you give better answers in the Sproochentest Oral Exam.
And did you know that this is exactly how you will learn to give better answers to almost all the questions that are likely to come up for any given topic in my program From Zero to Sproochentest – Language Exam Preparation Module!
Bass du prett? Da lass! – Are you ready? Then let’s get started!
Wat fir Medien a wat fir Technologie benotzt Dir fir Iech iwwer d’Aktualitéit ze informéieren?
- Also, ech liese moies d’Noriichten um Internet, an zwar op mengem Handy. An am Auto lauschteren ech ëmmer de Radio fir mech iwwer déi national an international Aktualitéit ze informéieren.
Well, I read the news on the internet in the morning, namely on my mobile phone. And I
always listen to the radio in the car to get informed about national and
international news.
- Moies hunn ech net vill Zäit an dofir liesen ech kuerz d’Noriichten op mengem Tablet oder Handy. Allerdéngs kucken ech owes ëmmer d’Noriichten op der Tëlee.
I don’t have much time in the morning and that’s why I read the current events briefly on my tablet or mobile phone. However, I always watch the news on the tv in the evening.
Have you noticed:
- to say I inform myself about something in Luxembourgish say ech informéiere mech iwwer eppes
- with my mobile phone is mat mengem Handy. Handy is a masculine noun and mat is preposition that always requires the dative case.
Wéini hutt Dir Ären éischten Handy kaaft / kritt?
- Hmm, dat ass scho laang hier. Ech mengen, ech hu mäin éischten Handy kritt, wéi ech 20 oder 21 Joer al war. Et war e Nokia.
Hmm, that’s a long time ago. I think I got my first mobile phone when I was 20 or
21 years old. It was a Nokia.
- Oh, dat weess ech net méi genee. Ech géif soen, ech hu mäin ëischten Handy virun 22 Joer kaaft.
Oh, I don’t know/remember exactly. I would say, I bought my first mobile phone 22 years ago.
Useful language chunks:
- XY years ago is in Luxembourgish: virun XY Joer
- when I was XY years old is wéi ech XY Joer al war
Hutt Dir e Laptop? Säit wéini? Wat maacht Dir mat Ärem Laptop?
- Jo, natierlech hunn ech e Laptop. Ech hunn e Laptop säit ongeféier zéng Joer. Ech benotzen de Laptop all Dag, zum Beispill fir Filmer, Videoen a Serien ze kucken. An ech surfen gär op Internet fir anzekafen. Ech benotzen de Laptop och fir Emailen ze liesen an ze schécken.
Yes, of course, I have a laptop. I’ve got it for about 10 years. I use the laptop every day, for example to watch movies, videos, and series. And I like to surf on the internet to shop. I also use the laptop to read and send emails.
- Mäin éischte Laptop hunn ech virun 15 Joer kaaft, wann ech mech richteg erënneren. Elo hunn zwee Laptoppen, an zwar ee fir de perséinleche Gebrauch an ee fir meng Aarbecht. Ech brauch mäi Laptop net oft. Ech benotze léiwer mäin Tablet oder mäin Handy.
I bought my first laptop 15 years ago if I remember well. Now I have 2 laptops, more precisely one for my personal use and one for my job. I don’t need my laptop very often. I prefer to use my tablet or my mobile phone.
Useful language chunks:
- if I remember well is in Luxembourgish: wann ech mech richteg/gutt erënneren
Over to you:
try to answer these 3 questions to talk about Medien / Technologien:
1. Wat fir Medien a wat fir Technologie benotzt Dir fir Iech iwwer d’Aktualitéit ze informéieren?
2. Wéini hutt Dir Ären éischten Handy kaaft / kritt?
3. Hutt Dir e Laptop? Säit wéini? Wat maacht Dir mat Ärem Laptop?
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