15 Sentences and 1 conversation for making formal phone calls in Luxembourgish

For some people, speaking on the telephone can be awkward or even terrifying.

Nevertheless, for those living in Luxembourg or doing business with those in the country, having to use the language on the phone is eventually unavoidable.

Whether it’s trying to get information from an agency, or arranging an appointment at the doctor’s or just practicing your verbal skills on Skype, having a conversation over the wire is inevitable nowadays.

To help you along, this lesson provides you with phrases to practice and build your confidence, followed by a conversation putting the phrases in action while strengthening your listening comprehension and pronunciation skills.

Tip: Listen to the audios several times and repeat out aloud.

Sentences to get started or when you don’t understand

  1. Ech géif gär mam Här / mat der Madamm Scholtes schwätzen. –  I would like to speak with Mr or Mrs Scholtes.                                                                                           
  2. Moien, mäin Numm ass Weber. Ech wollt wëssen, ob dir ….. – Hello, my name is Weber. I would like to know if you (plural) …..
  3. Moien, ech wollt froen, ob Dir ….. Hello, I would like to ask you (form) if …
  4. Mäin Numm ass Weber. Ech ruffen wéinst ärer Annonce un. – My name is Weber I’m calling about your ad.
  5. Dat hunn ech net verstanen. – I didn’t understand that.
  6. Ech kann Iech net gutt héieren. – I Can’t hear you (form) clearly.                                                                                                                                                               
  7. Ech ruffe méi spéit nach eng Kéier un.I will call again later. 
  8. Ech ruffen Iech zeréck un.I’ll call you (formal) back.                                                                                                                                  
  9. Ee Moment wgl., ech kucken. One moment please, I check.                                                                                                                                                         
  10. Entschëllegt, mir sinn ënnerbrach ginn. Kënnt Dir dat nach eng Kéier widderhuelen, wgl.? – Sorry, we were cut off. Can you repeat that one more time, please?                                                                               
  11. Kéint Dir mir e Mail schécken, wgl? – Could you (form) send me an email, please?
  12. Kann ech eng Noriicht hannerloossen? – Can I leave a message?
  13. Kënnt Dir hir soen, datt d’Mme Weis ugeruff huet? – Can you tell her (form), that Mrs Weis called?                                       
  14. Kënnt Dir dem Här Weber soen, datt ech ugeruff hunn? – Can you tell Mr Weber that I called?
  15. Villmools merci fir Är Hëllef. – Thanks a lot for your help.


  • uruffen*                 to call  (separable verb)
  • telefonéieren       to talk on the phone
  • héieren                  to hear
  • zeréckruffen*      to call back
  • verbannen             to transfer
  • schwätzen             to speak
  • schellen                 to ring
  • widderhuelen      to repeat

*separable verb

Now I will use 1 phone conversation to show you a few typical sentences that you will encounter again and again during phone calls.

Conversatioun: Rendez-Vous beim Dokter

D’Sarah rifft bei sengem Zänndokter un fir e Rendez-Vous auszemaachen.             Sarah is calling her dentist to fix an appointment.

Sarah: Gudde Moien, hei ass d’Sarah Scholtes. Ech hätt gär e Rendez-Vous.

Sekretärin: Gudde Moie Madamm Scholtes. Waart Dir schonn eng Kéier hei?

Sarah: Jo, ech si Patientin bei iech. 

Sekretärin: Gutt, da bräicht ech Äre Gebuertsdatum.

Sarah: Dat ass den 1.1. 1995.

Sekretärin: Kommt Dir fir eng normal Kontroll? 

Sarah: Majo nee…, ech hu säit e puer Deeg Zännwéi.

Sekretärin: Wann Dir akut Péng hutt, kënnt Dir bei eis an d’Urgence kommen. Dës Consultatioune sinn ëmmer moies vun 8 bis 9 Auer. Kommt am Beschten direkt um 8.

Sarah: Villmools merci. Da kommen ech muer de moien. Kann ech och nach e Rendez-Vous fir meng Duechter kréien.

Sekretärin: Jo, natierlech. Wéini ass Äert Meedche gebuer?

Sarah: de 26. September 2000

Sekretärin: Wéini wollt Dir da mat him kommen?

Sarah: Am Beschten nomëttes no 4 Auer.

Sekretärin: Ee Moment ech kucken, …….. de 15. Februar hunn ech nach eppes fräi um 16h30?

Sarah: Dat ass tipptopp.

Sekretärin: Gutt, den Termin ass dann notéiert.

Sarah: Merci. E schéinen Dag.

Sekretärin: Merci gläichfalls.

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Let’s practice:

Translate the following sentences into Luxembourgish:

  1. Can I have an appointment for my husband, please?     
  2. Can you (formal) tell Sandra that I called?
  3. Mr Weber will call you (formal) back as soon as possible.

Check the solution by downloading the PDF and practice  with MORE sentences to translate !

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